
All images and data contained on this site are the exclusive property of La Lepre Napoli, therefore their permanent or temporary reproduction, adaptation, dissemination, distribution to the public is prohibited without the prior and express consent of the owner of the Copyright.

Privacy policy

Protecting the security and privacy of your personal data is important to La Lepre Napoli, which acts in compliance with the laws currently in force on the protection and security of personal data. We trust that the rules below will help you to understand what kind of data La Lepre Napoli usually collects, how it uses and protects them and with whom it shares them.

Personal data

Through its website, La Lepre Napoli does not collect any of your personal data (eg name, address, telephone, e-mail address), unless you consent to provide it voluntarily (eg by registering on the site or using a survey). Any consent can be revoked at any time. You will have the right to exercise the rights provided for by art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 and subsequent amendments, in particular you will have the right to withdraw from the registration at any time and without any penalty.

Purpose of the treatment

Following the provisions of law no. 196 and subsequent amendments "Code regarding the protection of personal data", we point out the purposes and methods of treatment for which the personal data you may provide are intended.
Pursuant to art. 13 of the aforementioned law, such data will be subject to computer or manual processing by us as defined by art. 4, paragraph 1, letter
a) of the law, for the purposes of:
a) legal obligations related to civil, fiscal, accounting, etc., administrative management of the relationship, fulfillment of any contractual obligations, support and technical information regarding the products and services covered by the relationship;

b) after-sales assistance, user satisfaction verification, market analysis and statistics;

c) information on future commercial activities and announcements of new products, services and offers, both from us and from our subsidiaries;

d) promotional and advertising initiatives aimed at the market;

e) any economic-financial analyzes and evaluations. La Lepre Napoli will in no case collect the "sensitive" data referred to in art. 26 of Law 196/03 and subsequent amendments.

The owner of the processing of personal data is Ileana Porcaro Tax Code PRCLNI88A55F839C, Via Giuseppe Antonio Pasquale 7 80100 Naples.

Data relating to Use or Communication

When using the telecommunication services that allow access to our website, the data relating to the type of communication (e.g., IP addresses) or use (e.g., information on the start, term and duration of any access, and those relating to the telecommunications services to which one is connected) technically generated could reasonably be related to personal data. The collection and processing of such data will take place only in case of need and will in any case be carried out in compliance with the provisions of Law 196/03 and subsequent amendments.

Automatic collection of non-personal data

When you access the La Lepre Napoli website, some information is automatically collected by our system (even without registration) which, however, does not lead to personal identification (eg type of internet browser and operating system used; domain of the website from which you arrived at the La Lepre Napoli site; number of visits to the site, average time spent, pages visited). La Lepre Napoli may use this information and share it worldwide with the companies of the Group, in order to verify the use of the website and improve its performances and contents.

"Cookie" Information Automatically Stored on Your PC

When you visit one of our websites, we may store some data on your computer in the form of a "cookie" to automatically recognize your PC on your next visit. Cookies can help us in several ways, for example by allowing us to modify a website to suit your interests or to save your password to save you from having to repeat the procedure each time you log in. If you do not wish to receive cookies, all you have to do is configure your Internet browser to delete all cookies from your computer's hard disk, block them or generate a warning every time one is saved.


No personal data should be entered on the La Lepre Napoli website by minors without the prior consent of their parents or guardians. La Lepre Napoli encourages all parents and guardians to educate minors on the use of their personal data on the Internet in a safe and responsible manner. La Lepre Napoli, however, undertakes not to consciously store or use any personal data collected from minors for any purpose, including disclosure to third parties.


To protect your personal data against accidental or improper destruction, loss or alteration, and against unauthorized access or disclosure, La Lepre Napoli has provided for technical and organizational security measures.

Links to other websites

On the web pages of La Lepre Napoli you can find hyperlinks with other websites, proposed to provide a better service to its users.
La Lepre Napoli is in no way responsible for the content of websites that users may access through its site. The existence of a Hyperlink to another site does not therefore imply approval or acceptance of responsibility by La Lepre Napoli regarding the content of the new site accessed, also in relation to the policy adopted for the processing of personal data, as well as its utilization.

Questions and comments

La Lepre Napoli undertakes to respond to any reasonable request relating to the revision of personal data and to correct, amend or delete any inaccuracies. If you have any questions or comments to submit regarding La Lepre Napoli Data Privacy Protection Policy - Personal Data Protection Regulations of La Lepre Napoli (eg to review and update your personal data), click on "Contacts" in the top right corner of this screen and fill in the attached form. La Lepre Napoli undertakes to insert on this page, as quickly as possible, any changes to La Lepre Napoli Data Privacy Protection Policy - Personal Data Protection Rules of La Lepre Napoli, should it be modified.

Cookie policy

Disclosure pursuant to the Provision "Identification of simplified procedures for disclosure and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 08 May 2014.1.

1) Why this notice?

This page describes how to manage the website of La Lepre Napoli (hereinafter for brevity La Lepre Napoli with reference to the cookies that are installed on the users' terminals. This is an extended information, pursuant to the combined provision of articles 13, paragraph 3, 122, paragraph 1 and 154, paragraph 1, letter c), of the Code, in order to provide, aimed at informing the user about the archiving of the so-called cookies on your terminal by this website visited and this in accordance with the Provision of 8 May 2014 on "Identification of simplified procedures for information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies". This document purposely incorporates the contents of the Privacy Policy applied by the Authority for the protection of personal data with reference to the processing of personal data of users who connect to the official website It is in fact the owner's intention to conform its privacy protection policies to the provisions of the "Code", also to the precautions and procedures that the Guarantor has specified in the Privacy Policy document published on the official website of the Authority, regarding the to the Privacy we invite you to read the Privacy Policy of our site, as well as the Provision "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 08 May 2014

2) Use of technologies to acquire information stored in the terminal devices of Users ("Cookies Policy")

We have prepared the following Cookies Policy to describe the types of cookies and other technologies used on our Site and on our platform and to describe the reasons and conditions of use of cookies. Please note that we cannot offer our Site or Services without sending some of our cookies and / or similar technologies to your device. Therefore you authorize us to use La Lepre Napoli cookies when you use our Site and our Services. However, you can avoid some cookies by configuring your browser settings or by rejecting them directly from third parties, as detailed below.

A. What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files located in your browser directory. When a website is accessed, a cookie that is sent to the device through which the website is accessed sends information to the browser. Cookies are very common and are used on many websites. This happens because cookies allow those who manage the website to do useful things; for example, a cookie allows a website operator to know if a computer (and probably its user) has visited the website previously. Generally, the purpose of cookies is to improve the functioning of the website and the user experience in using it, although cookies can also send advertising messages (as specified below). This document intentionally incorporates the contents of the Privacy Policy applied by the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data with reference to the processing of Users' personal data, published on the official website


B. Technical Cookies and Third Party Cookies

We can send La Lepre Napoli cookies to your device through our Site. The cookies we send are defined as Technical cookies. Technical cookies are cookies that belong to the site that created them. The use of these cookies allows us to make the Site work efficiently. We also allow third parties to send cookies to your device. The difference between a Site Technical cookie and a third party cookie concerns the control by the person who sends the cookie. Although we allow third parties to access the Site to send cookies to the user's device, we do not have control over the information provided by the cookies and we do not have access to such data. This information is totally controlled by third parties as described in the above extended privacy policy.

C. Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies

Our Site may send session and persistent cookies to your device. While the difference between a Technical cookie and a third party cookie concerns the person who controls the initial sending of the cookie on your device, the difference between a session cookie and a persistent cookie concerns the different length of time for which a cookie operates. Session cookies are cookies that typically last until you close your internet browser. When you finish your browser session, the cookie expires. Persistent cookies, as the name itself indicates, are constant cookies and continue to operate after you have closed your browser. This allows faster and easier access to our Site. For example, a persistent cookie that our Site reads from your device is the language chosen for navigation. After sending the cookie, this allows you to be automatically redirected to the site with the chosen language on your future access to the site.

D. Cookies and Other Technologies on the La Lepre Napoli website

Our Site can send you cookies and similar technologies in different ways and for different purposes. Typically, these include:

• To simplify your use of our Site and our Services;

• To monitor, analyze and improve the functioning and efficiency of our Site and our Services;

It is our intention to be transparent and clear about the conditions and purposes of our use of cookies and other technologies. Therefore, in this section we have specified the cookies that are relevant for your use of our Site and our Services.

D.1. Site Cookies

Site cookies are cookies sent by La Lepre Napoli's servers to allow use of the Site. These cookies are generally stored on your browser and do not expire at the end of your session. User tracking cookies are Technical cookies that track the user's ID and settings when visiting and using the Site. We consider these cookies useful for the operation of our Site and we can send them to your device to improve your use of the site. our Site and our Services.

D.2. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google that sends cookies to your device. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Site (except your IP address as this site is equipped with systems that make it anonymous) are transmitted to Google and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the Site, prepare reports on website activity for website operators and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet use. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law or in the case of third parties who process this information on behalf of Google. Google does not associate your IP address with any other data that Google owns. Google is the relevant Data Controller. For more information on Google Analytics, you can consult Cookies and Analytics and the related privacy policy for Google Analytics.

- _utma - Third party cookies - Google inc. - Duration: 2 Years / Updated - Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library is run. This cookie keeps track of the number of times a visitor has visited the website, when he made the first visit and when the last one occurred. The cookie is updated every time the data is sent to Google Analytics.

- _utmb - Third party cookies - Google inc. - Duration: 30 minutes / Updated - Used to determine new sessions / visits. Retrieve the timestamp at the exact moment a visitor enters the site. The cookie is updated every time the data is sent to Google Analytics.

- _utmc - Third party cookies - Google inc. - Duration: end of session - This cookie works in collaboration with the _utmb cookie to determine whether the user has created a new session or is visiting the site again.

- _utmz - Third party cookies - Google inc. - Duration: 6 months / Updated - Stores the traffic source or campaign from which the user reached the site. The cookie is created when the javascript library is executed and is updated every time the data is sent to Google Analytics.

- _utmv - Third party cookies - Google inc. - Duration: 2 years / Updated - Used to store customized variable data at the visitor level. It is updated every time the data is sent to Google Analytics.

- _ga - Third party cookies - Google inc. - Duration: 2 years - Used to distinguish users.

E. Transparency in the use of cookies

We want to make the use of cookies and other similar technologies as transparent as possible. As specified above, we are not able to offer you the Site and our Services without La Lepre Napoli cookies.If you do not wish to receive third party cookies on your device, many of these offer the possibility to exclude the receipt. Please note, however, that such third party exclusion is not under our control.

E.1 How to disable third-party cookies?

Pursuant to art. 154 paragraph 1 letter. C) of the Privacy Code, the links to the web pages containing the information adopted by third parties are shown below:

Google: Google Privacy Policy

E.2 How to disable cookies from the main browsers?

Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) are configured to accept cookies. The cookies stored on the hard disk of your device can still be deleted and it is also possible to disable cookies by following the instructions provided by the main browsers, at the following links:



Internet Explorer:



Pursuant to Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code (in the formulation in force following the entry into force of Legislative Decree 69/2012) and the Provision of the Privacy Guarantor "Identification of the simplified procedures for the information and 'acquisition of consent for the use of cookies ”of 8 May 2014,“ technical ”cookies can be used even without the consent of the interested party. Among other things, the same European body that brings together all the Privacy Authorities of the various Member States (the so-called "Article 29" Group) clarified in Opinion 4/2012 (WP194) entitled "Exemption from consent for the use of cookies "which are cookies for which it is not necessary to obtain the user's prior and informed consent:

- cookies with data compiled by the user (session identifier), for the duration of a session or persistent cookies limited to a few hours in some cases;

- authentication cookies, used for the purposes of authenticated services, for the duration of a session;

- user-centric security cookies, used to identify authentication abuses, for a limited persistent duration;

- session cookies for multimedia players, such as cookies for "flash" readers, for the duration of a session;

- session cookies for load balancing, for the duration of a session;

- persistent cookies for customizing the user interface, for the duration of a session (or a little more);

- cookies for sharing content through third party social plug-ins, for members of a social network who have logged in.

3. Changes to this Cookies Notice

La Lepre Napolisi reserves the right to make changes to the Site, to this Cookies Notice anywhere published on the Site, at any time. When consulting, the user must always refer, as current version, to the published text.

The changes will become operational when they are published on the Site. The continued use of the Site by the user, following a change, will be considered as acceptance of such changes.

All users can check at any time, by connecting to the Site, the latest version of the Cookies Notice as updated from time to time by La Lepre Napoli.

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